The nursery works towards achieving three goals in preparation for school life:
• Developing social skills
• Improving independence
• Increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.
A traditional Jewish ethos is at the heart of the nursery. Activities follow the Jewish calendar, set against a multi-cultural context reflecting our local community. Kabbalat Shabbat takes place every week, and children learn Hebrew alongside a monthly rotation of other languages such as French, Russian, Portuguese and Makaton.
Activities run by peripatetic visiting teachers include movement and dance, music and sport. Children enjoy outdoor play daily in our two on-site gardens, as well as having daily play in the tranquil private gardens of St James’s Square and local parks. Fresh Kosher dairy meals are prepared daily on site by our in-house cook.
The nursery is ideal for working parents, and offers flexible options for extended hours and long terms.
Mid-term entry may be available on request, please call for details.